Hello, My Pretty Tough Gang…
Time to GET more BEAUTIFUL!
Get the right TIPS and MANTRAS of losing weight and glowing skin!
We Decide to follow this once and I promise it will become a life changing habit that we something always wanted to do.
In the beginning your BODY and MIND will stop you ..its only that INITIAL FIGHT and FEELING OF WINNING that will make you a REAL HERO!
Let me help you!
Talk to our Expert
- Date: 10TH APRIL 2022
- TIME: 11AM -12:00 PM
To participate, fill in the form below:
Ask your QUESTIONS and clarify your DOUBTS from our EXPERT!
To know us , visit our website : www.kamtrainingservices.com
Call us or WhatsApp us on :9870227993
KAM takes a leap of faith – the first step of pretty tough what will shine, be shared and spread across the globe, we promise!
PT invites the thoughts and ideas from its members to start, to put them on the drawing board.
The project will be as successful as the planning so mention what you want to make it relevant extremely useful and the most effective haven !
Call us or WhatsApp on 8130629106/9870227993
About Us
Pretty Tough is a women’s club which aims to create more opportunities for women to become stronger leaders and future role models. Our intention is to create a sustainable structure that supports the continued global advancement of women through individual development, community creation, access to opportunities and cultural change.
We are committed to synergising and leveraging the parallel workforce. You will share what you know and learn what you don’t from other women in the club because you are valued and can bring value.
This club provides you with the sense of belonging that has a culture of truth, honesty and support so that you don’t need to feel isolated at work. A community where all are women are welcomed and are not judged but are valued, respected and celebrated.

Facilitate knowledge sharing and discussion on advancing female leadership in business
Strengthen the women network and inclusion through events and Diversity & Inclusion campaigns.
Plan events with companies and external speakers, engaging with a diverse pool of fields and career stages.
To gain advice from others and be challenged in a safe and supportive environment
To offer strong peer support and promote gender sensitisation in the workplace to help cultivate a more gender equal corporate culture across industries.
Mentoring program to help you either give back or further your development
Our regular events offer members a chance to turn professional acquaintances into personal friends.
The club offers you a relaxing and low-pressure way to expand your personal and professional network.
Participation in meaningful volunteer community service in a variety of areas
Access to leadership training and career enhancement opportunities